I was born in Switzerland, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. My father was British and my mother Swiss-American so we spoke English at home. In 1939 when the war started, dad answered the call for all Englishmen to return and defend the homeland. Mom said they could hear the German cannons behind them as they escaped from Paris in a covered van. They made it to Northern Spain and then by a little freighter across the sub-infested channel and back to England.
My first vivid memories are of the Battle of Britain. They came like this - instead of to the bomb shelter one night when we heard the air raid sirens, mom said to my older brother and me: "Come upstairs and see this. I don't want you ever to forget." She led us to a window and drew back the curtain. Up in the night sky was a squadron of German bombers caught in the searchlights with anti-aircraft shells exploding around them. My older brother was afraid and cried. I felt a kind of excitement. We watched for a few minutes and then mom closed the curtains and we went to where we would be safe. These photos give an idea of what it was like.
I was around 14 when we emigrated to Canada. I completed grade 13 and then we moved to America, to White Plains.
It was during this time that I wrote the 226 poems for the book From My Soul to Yours - the Poem Journey of a Mystic Mind. I was able to reach the superconscious and later learned about the subconscious from earning my credentials as a hypnotherapist. Later I married and with my wife sang in Roger Duffer's award-winning Inland Master Chorale for fourteen years. Part of me is a mountain man and we lived in the local California mountains for many years.
From my long meditation period my inner vision and 6th sense opened up and I had countless paranormal experiences since then that continue daily. So my book Is Eternity Already Here is not some scholarly work but something I've lived, like an autobiography of the journeys that brought me to where I am today.
So what have this life and my experiences brought me to? With my books and my efforts now, I just want to do my share to help bring some love into our hurting world. And for the bottom line on all this, Einstein says it best in what he wrote to his daughter:
"If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life."
Albert Einstein
I went to Rutgers where I complete two years majoring in geology and minoring in Russian. Then it was off to California where I became a professional actor and song writer. I have always loved flying, became a private pilot and flew my own planes.
I was attracted to the human potential movement and began years of meditation as a devotee at Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship.
SO WHAT'S MY POINT HERE? I want everybody to know they are in a physical body living a physical life while at the same time they are carrying a little piece of eternity inside. When Jesus was asked where the Kingdom of Heaven is, He said it is within. You are carrying a doorway to the Kingdom of Heaven within you. That is how special you are. We all need to open to the flow of energy that can come from that special place - it can heal you with miracles, inspire you, bring you love and comfort and even raise you from being dead. For eternity and heaven, the physical world and human life are like a game we are all here in these to figure out. As Einstein and Jesus told us, God is love and we are here to find and become love. And while we are here on this incredible planet with its ten million species of animals, plants, birds and fish, let's enjoy the ride!
So look after your body and your mind knowing you are unique atom from the heart of eternity. There is no one else like you anywhere in any dimension. Ladies, look after your beautiful bodies so you can have beautiful babies. And guys, sorry to put these photos here but they are about looking after your bodies and keeping them strong as I still do, The first photo is from my twenties, the other one after I turned eighty-five. And BTW - don't ever let anybody criticize you about your masculinity. Just back it up with being a shoulder anyone can lean on.
Here are some other photos. The top left is from 1945 at the end of the WW II. Lower left is an acting shot from when I was around 27, in the hat photo I was around 60, next is at our mountain cabin when I was around 75. I was 80 when I was given a helicopter flying lesson b-day present. At right is the same photo with my sweethearts shown earlier.