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For the more than 25 million who have left religions, please help them get to a new safe place to call home!


We already know where that safe place is, and for this journey, we have more than just a map to get there. We have our own special tour guides for every step of the way.  They had to be special because we are not talking about getting bodies from one place to another.  We are talking about our souls and the place they come from, a journey to hook up with our spiritual home called eternity.  It’s a journey to where everything came from, and the destination is through a doorway right inside every one of us. Inside us is where we find the new home.


So who are the tour guides?  They are quantum physics, Jesus and Einstein.  The first law of quantum physics states that nothing in the physical universe can create itself.  This means the non-physics dimension we call eternity has to exist, and everything including our souls have to be spiritual and eternal before they can be physical.  Jesus and Einstein both said there is a God and God is not some kind of person.  They said God is love.  This means we come from love.  Our nature is love.  Maybe now we can better understand what Jesus mean when he said – “know ye not ye are gods?”  And about being physical, Einstein said: “we are souls dressed up in sacred bio-chemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”  He is also saying our essence is spiritual.   


With this GoFundMe we can help create a safe place to land for anyone of any faith because what’s being shared is based only on evidence, facts, wisdom shared by two of the most beautiful and smartest people who ever walked our planet, and scientific reality.  I formed a 501c3 non-profit foundation for all this called Is Eternity Already Here, Inc., and everyone can hook up with its website at  The site is instructional and also provides links to resources so each individual can get on a pathway leading to a great spiritual life.  The money raised will be for marketing to the millions of people who have left their religions and millions of others looking for a path to their own spirituality.  You are helping them get what they need.


The instructional aspect of the website for visitors is important.  There are three particularly important things everyone needs to know – first what eternity is like, then to be aware of and harness their own individual personal power, then to learn about meditation.  For what it’s like inside eternity, the evidence comes from three people who died, went to the non-physics dimension of eternity, were resurrected with miracles and then sent back to their lives.  One of these is neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander who wrote a book called Proof of Heaven visitors can reach from the eternity site.

For individual personal power we need self-hypnosis.  One source is Westwood Publishing Company founded by Gil Boyne from whom I earned my hypnotherapy credentials.  He has a tremendous library of material on learning self- hypnosis. Westwood Publishing (  Another source is Dr. Ran Anbar who also happens to be one of our country’s leading pediatric hypnotherapists.  Visitors can get immediate assistance from him and his team at

For meditation, the source is my guru, Paramahansa Yogananda and his book Autobiography of a Yogi.  It is a book that Apple founder Steve Jobs said he read every year.  He had copies given to all 200 people who attended his memorial service.  Yogananda’s site is


Besides the 501c3, I’m already doing my share to help bring love and inspiration into our hurting world with two books on Amazon that are getting comments like:

'You will be in awe after reading this book’…’it is a gift to this world and we should all be grateful for it’…’I was never so inspired from reading the Bible’…’this is a book for everyone of every faith…'

And for my book of devotional poems –

‘These poems could have only been inspired by God, and I truly believe they will inspire and touch many people for generations to come!”  "If it weren't for the fact that I had to stop and contemplate the poems at times, I wouldn't have put the book down."

Please support this GoFundMe because it will help bring love into our hurting world.  It is a safe place for everyone of any faith because that safe space is right inside everyone waiting to be found.  I have been called a new kind of spiritual leader for this quantum physics age because of the tour guides I assembled for our spiritual team.  Everything here is a result of a lifetime spent exploring the human physical and spiritual relationship.  I think of myself as everybody’s spare grandpa sharing treasures I have stored up for you over a lifetime.  And since I will be 85 in August, that’s a long time.


My books are also part of the package like a spiritual infusion into members’ lives.  I will send a signed copy of Eternity those who donate $100.00 or more.  And for all those whose lives will be uplifted from your help to create what I hope will be a revolution of love, thank you and God bless you!    

Christian Howard and

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