Dear Bob,
This is from one idealist to another - statistics show America is in a continuing moral, ethical and spiritual decline and what follows is my solution. Religions used to be the foundation of ethics and morality but they’re dying so what now? What will be the moral compass for our technological age to replace the one left over from 2000 years ago? Your involvement with scientology shows your hopes and support for humanity’s spiritual evolution. That’s why I’m writing to you. Mathematics has its basic laws – 2+2 can never = 3, always 4. We need something permanent like this for humans, basic facts no one can deny - and I mean ‘no one’. After reading what follows, I think you will agree this is it.
We start with shock value to get everybody’s attention, point out that Jesus was the first quantum physicist when he said – “I am in ye, ye are in me, and we are all together in the Father”. That sounds dumb - how can physical bodies be inside each other? Next we go to Einstein who said: ”our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music”. This sounds equally dumb - what’s a soul and where is it? The point is that Jesus and Einstein are both telling us humans have one life inside physics and another outside physics at the same time. And where does this idea lead us? To a fact that where there are no laws of physics, nothing can begin or end or be separate. This means everything that can ever be is part of the one same great creative wholeness. So what’s the 2+2=4 here? It is that yes, we are inside each other and everything that exists, but not here in the world. Everything exists in the same ‘wholeness’ dimension before anything could materialize, like the universe and all it contains. This is what Jesus called the ‘ Father’.
The shock value is right here – Jesus. Einstein and quantum physics on the same page. But there’s more. The 1st realization is that with everything together as atoms in the same wholeness-body, this means birds and animals, forests and oceans, the sun and stars and everything in the non-physical ‘wholeness’ body = our brothers and sisters, all to be treated like family. The 2nd realization is that our lives are our own personal ‘wholeness’. It’s like our personal school where we practice and materialize our own realities. We practice being the guiding ‘fathers’ in our own lives. The world is like our church, everything is our family-congregation, we are like the ministers of our lives and our days are the prayers.
For those who are atheists, consider this - Anita Moorjani died in hospital from stage 4 cancer, her body full of tumors and weeping toxins. A force from another dimension took over, and in four days she was cancer free. Then it showed its control over the human live force by bringing her back to life. She was resurrected in a hospital in our modern time. Dr. Eben Alexander and Dr. Mary Neal are two others who were declared dead were also miraculously healed and brought back to life in our time. To this force, the laws of physics and medicine are a joke. It doesn’t matter what we call it, it is very real. It does exist regardless of what we believe. We can call it Joe instead of God, whatever we want. The point is that this force can come into human lives and do what we call miracles. We need to find a way to tap into the power of our spiritual side without having to die first. And regardless of any beliefs anywhere, this is the reality for all humans. Part of us is physical and limited and another part is spiritual and unlimited at the same time.
So no, Jesus was not the only person good enough to be raised from being dead and allowed into heaven. And what’s more, when he said “I am in ye, ye are in me and we are all together in the Father,” where does this Father live anyway? Obviously In heaven. Jesus is telling us that while we are here, another little piece of who we are is at the same time already in heaven. And as Jesus and the disciples discussed and clearly accepted reincarnation, so we know we have many lifetimes to ‘get it right’, like the 7 year old who told his parents who he was married to in his past life and that he worked in Hollywood and wrote the screenplay for Gone With the Wind. For the sake of simplicity in what follows, we will not refer to this other dimension force as Joe but call it God.
So what now? If in fact we are the little ‘fathers’ in charge of running our little ‘wholeness’ worlds, how do we guide our lives? What are the rules? Once again Jesus and Einstein agree - Jesus said God is love. Einstein said love is the force that includes and governs all others, and that love is God and God is love. Jesus and Einstein would tell us love is the only rule we need. How we live each day, what we do and say are our prayers. No religions, dogmas, theisms, beliefs needed here, just the glue of love holding everything we are and do in its arms every moment of our lives. And who leads this new approach to who we are? I will.
I’m 6’1”, 180, 85 years old, still restore classic cars, was a private pilot, professional actor, musician, composer, father and grandfather, fluent in two languages and with teleprompter help could give talks in three more, and still do bench press several times a week. I want to be everybody’s ‘spare grandpa’. Everybody’s Pappy. And what are my calling cards? My tools? Two books I wrote that are getting 5-star reviews on Amazon and the online book club like – “you will be in awe after reading this book… I was never so inspired from reading the Bible… it is a gift to this world…” and for the book of 226 inspirational verses: “these poems had to be inspired by God”. Two 5-star reviews follow. These are my ‘tools’.
Together we can make 2025 a year of ethical, moral and spiritual renewal with science, spirit and logic finally on the same page. So yes, I am an idealist, but we can do this. Let’s solve today’s moral and spiritual crisis with this whole new approach - scientific reality and evidence. No new religions, cults, dogmas or buildings needed. Let’s help everybody take charge now, be inspired and uplifted in a great New Year one hour, one day at a time!
I’ve already formed a 501c3 educational foundation as the basis for all this and look forward to your participation. I will also share the marketing plans for both books as well as future plans for foundation activities.
Thank you.
Christian (Pappy) Howard
5.0 out of 5 stars A life-affirming and memorable autobiography Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2023
This is a book for everyone of every faith. I'm at a loss for words. I enjoyed every minute of it. The book confirms, on many levels, what I've always thought. Beautifully and thoughtfully written, the author's descriptions and explanations help the reader put it together. I loved the telling of Bernadette and Joan of Arc, as well as the quotes and thoughts of Einstein and the many others included. This heartfelt book of experience, devotion, and determined searching will reveal each reader's needs. I believe it will be different for everyone, a unique kaleidoscope with which each reader will construe a personal meaning and take from it what they need.
5.0 out of 5 stars Such an amazing book! Christian is one of the best writers of our generation! Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2024
I am blown away at how amazing this book is! These poems could have only been inspired by God and I think they will touch and inspire people in all sorts of ways! Each one speaks to me in different ways depending on what I am feeling that day. Christian's words will live on for a very long time and I'm so thankful for his heart and willingness to share these poems with the world! I truly believe they will inspire and touch many people for generations to come!