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OK, so you bought this book with a title that is a question.  You are probably asking what's this about eternity anyway?  What is that?  And where?  And why do I need to know?  You may already have a nourishing relationship with the spiritual dimension beyond physics called eternity with the CEO we call God, and want to go deeper.  You may be a Christian who welcomes any work that expands the understanding and appeal of God in our technological age.  Maybe you are just beginning your journey to explore the relationship of the physical and spiritual worlds?  Maybe it's still hard for you to get your head around the idea that some kind of causal force had to exist before anything?  Some kind of pre-time creative artist who came up with everything from a universe and quantum physics to this beautiful planet full of life, love, hugs and monarch butterflies?  Regardless, your questions now will be the same - what will I get from knowing about eternity and where it is?  Will it improve my life?  Transform me in any way?  Help me to be a better person, a better father or mother, son or daughter, a stronger member of the teams where I'm important like in my family and the society and country in which I live?  I'm a religious person, will it deepen my faith?  I’m an atheist, will it be of interest to me?  The answer is yes to all of the above.  I did find the answer and want to share what I found because it will help uplift your life, bring you love and help get rid of the hate in our world.  That's my goal.  Think of it like a full course soul food dinner for your heart and mind, and this book is the tray on which it's being served. 


Here's how it happened.  I had this push inside that put me on a search to find out if we are just human animals that are born here, live in physical bodies on a physical planet for a while and die, or if there's more.  I wanted to know what is real.  Do we have souls - as thinkers from Plato to Native Americans and scientists like Einstein say we have?  And if so, where do they come from?  Why do they exist?  And why would non-physical entities like souls come into physical bodies and experience the good and bad of human lives anyway?  What for?  Where were they before we are physically alive on this planet and what happens to them after we die?  If they are non-physical to begin with and just attach to our bodies while we are here, do they disconnect and go back to their non-physical place after we die?  Or while we are here are they in both places at the same time? 


Most important for me was finding out how we relate to the non-physical dimension they come from.  What's it like?  Does it have qualities we can access while we are here and while we are physical?  What is our relationship to it?  Can our souls be like funnels for us from there to here?  Because it is not physics limited, this means it can never be unattached from its home dimension, so does it have resources we can learn to tap into and bring into our lives?   There were so many questions for which I wanted answers.  And since you don't know anything about me or my qualifications for sharing my travels and what I found, let's set the stage with one of humanity's greatest geniuses - Albert Einstein.  Let's have a physicist answer the first question and tell us what is real.   According to Einstein – 














So according to a physicist, what we call reality is an illusion and we do have souls.  But this is from him, what we might call the view from the top of the beautiful life-mountain we know as Albert Einstein.  Like all of us, I had my own life-mountain to climb and this book is the view from the top when I got there.  Unlike a person such as Einstein with a linear career, my life was filled with all kinds of different experiences both in this world and beyond.  Of all topics, this is one for which you can't just read about it and write a thesis.  I had to live it.  Yes, Einstein said reality is merely and illusion but these are just words.  I needed to live this and know for myself and as you will see I did.  I proved this from my own direct life experiences.  


As can tell by now, this is not like some kind of research paper about something.  I could talk to you for an hour about love, but those would just be words.  You won't know anything about love until you experience it.  That's how life has been for me, learning from the inside out.  It's how I learned what we really are and where we come from and our heredity beyond the physical dimension - the 'unreality' Einstein talks about.  I found it's as if we all believe we're little mice running around our personal life barns while we are really eagles that can fly in mountain skies.  So let's get started.  Einstein has already told us reality is an illusion, so let's see what else he has to say.   


"Do you believe in miracles? Well, you should. In fact, life itself is a big miracle. There are so many things that are beyond our understanding. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." 


Here we learn what he does think is real - miracles.  He is saying there is a force outside physics that can generate events that violate the laws of physics.  It is unusual that a physicist would admit there is an energy that can do this, but he must have had evidence to prove his point.  He is affirming that the real power is beyond what we can see and measure or put into an equation.  Because he is one of the greatest scientists and deepest thinkers who ever lived let's look at some more of his thoughts as we set the stage for our journey.  


"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds." 

"God did not create evil.  Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God." 


Something else he said might provide a goal for us to reach personally, a mission we can take up in our own lives after all the journeys are done. 











These thoughts from Einstein make me think of him not just as a great physicist but also a philosopher.  Consider this - in Hinduism, the Sanskrit word Maya means delusion.  It is used to describe the physical world of separate objects that gives the illusion it is the only reality.  The avatars of India said that to reach realization we must free ourselves from this Maya-delusion.  What Einstein is saying is similar - that we are in a delusion prison and our task is to free ourselves from it by "widening our circle of compassion".  


I started with these thoughts from Einstein because some of them are like those of a wise teacher, a mystic and poet, not just a scientist.  As you can tell by now, this book is a convergence of spiritual and scientific thought.  We need to know what existed before time, before the universe and quantum physics, where our souls come from and how we relate to their non-physical dimension, is there a God and what is that?  What artist thought up, wanted and then invented a monarch butterfly?  Where did love come from?  We can't get the answers here inside physics for something that came from beyond physics.  We have to go outside and that's where we will look for eternity.


So who am I to take you on this journey?  What is my authority?  Isn't this kind of information supposed to come from some kind of Holy Man?  Or a professor in a university somewhere spending his life trying to figure out everything with mathematics on a chalkboard?  I have total respect for those who do and for what they have added to our knowledge of the universe in which we live.  Their discoveries in physics are the 'normal' with which our journeys through the 'para-normal' have to relate.  Science and Spirit must come together here and as you will see, they do. For me, my chalkboard has been life itself, and it has been a very active life with a whole lot going on.  Like everybody, I often look back on my life to confirm I have learned and am better at being 'me' today.  And while I'm so grateful for the incredible people I've had the blessing to know and all the good things that came along, I am also well aware of how dumb I've been and the bad decisions I've made that hurt others as well as myself.  I cringe when I think of them.  There is so much I wish I could undo and so much I still feel as if I owe.  Nothing special about me here in this regard - guess all people with any self-awareness feel like this.  It's part of being human - we don't get everything right the first time and as they say hindsight is always 20-20.


Here is something about me, who I am and what you might call my credentials to be sharing this with you.  I was born in Switzerland to a Swiss-American mom and English dad.  Mom was from a family that owned a lace manufacturing company.  Dad worked his way through college to get a PhD in chemical engineering from London University, was athletic and played classical piano.  But Switzerland was not on the menu for me at that time because soon after I was born, Hitler started World War II and dad was focused on answering the call for all Englishmen to return and defend the homeland.


As she told me about it later, Mom said that while we were escaping from Paris, they could hear the cannons of the invading German army in the distance behind them.  Roads were choked with cars and there was no gas available.  All close-by gas stations were dry.  As they drove along, they came across a guy and his wife on a motorcycle stopped by the side of the road.  She was ill and too sick to hold on any longer.  We were in a covered van so there was room for her and they put her inside.  For the rest of the journey, it was this guy on the motorcycle and dad on the back with a gas can making many trips to small out of the way villages where they could still get gas.  This is how we made it to northern Spain.  Then it was by way of a small tramp steamer across the submarine infested English Channel and back to England.  


I was around four years old during what is called the Battle of Britain.  This was when the heavily outnumbered fighters of the RAF were gaining control of the skies over England.  They were so successful against day raids that Hitler changed to doing raids at night, such as on London that during one period was bombed for 57 straight nights.  At our home on the south coast of England it was another night when the air raid sirens had gone off and Mom had taken us quickly down to our safe place in the basement.   Dad was on duty serving in an anti-aircraft battery.  All the blackout curtains in the house were drawn but on this particular night Mom took us upstairs and after drawing one of the blackout curtains aside said:


            "Take a look at this.  I don't want you ever to forget." 


As I looked out the window, I could see an anti-aircraft battery not far away with is cannons blazing, streaks of tracer shells flashing up into the sky, searchlights and high above a squadron of German bombers caught in their light.  Shells exploded around them.  My older brother was scared and started crying.  I felt a kind of excitement.  Mom let us watch for a moment then closed the blackout curtains and took us back down to our safe place.  
























These photos will give you an idea of what England had to deal with during the Blitz and the Battle of Britain.  For many people their homes would be rocked by explosions and when they went outside the next day there would be large craters where a neighbor's home used to be.  The photos show Saint Paul’s cathedral in London shrouded by smoke after the night raid of June 7th, 1941.  Next is a photo taken from the top of the cathedral, and it shows the surrounding area after a raid in 1944, piles of rubble where homes had been.  We lived close to the shore and I remember rolls of barbed wire along the beaches where I used to play on the sand.  And as Mom had said about that night of watching the bombers in the searchlights and the cannons firing at them, I will never forget what I saw.  When I look back on the pain, suffering and destruction of that time and in our world today, I am even more focused on the mission here – to help bring more love into our world. 


After the War was over it was back to Switzerland.  I remember sitting in the pilot's lap of the DC3 we were travelling in and holding the yoke, thrilled at flying.  I loved building model planes and flying them.  This love continued my whole life and later I would become a pilot and own my own planes.  When we got there, first I was put in a school where they spoke two languages, the native Swiss dialect of German while at the same time all the reading and writing was in what they called 'high German'.  So I got to learn two languages at once.  But after a year of that it was off to the French side and another language.  After a couple of years there it was back to England.


I guess with all the different schools and languages and moving around, by this time part of me was getting weary and afraid.  I had to learn new languages, was always having to make new friends, be the newcomer in a group of kids who had been together and known each other for years.  I was always the odd boy out.  I remember a private school I attended in Portsmouth where I mentioned my mom was American and got a bloody nose for defending America and what Americans had done to help England in the war against Germany.  But my pain was deeper.  Mom had six children – she and Dad had agreed they would not stop until they had a girl, so it was five boys and finally a girl.  But the war years had intervened so there was a separation in ages – a divide between my older brother and me and the four younger children.  With Mom being so busy with them, he and I were kind of left out.  And when we were in Switzerland, Dad spent a lot of his time in England so we didn’t see him much.  Maybe it was just me and my own sensitivity but I felt I really didn’t have a dad and only pieces of a mom.  As for dad himself, he was a brilliant man, had a doctorate in Chemistry from London University, was one of the developers of instant coffee, athletic, spoke a couple of languages, and was a pianist – we always had a grand piano in the house.  During the war he served in an anti-aircraft battery, maybe even the one I saw from the window that night with Mom and my older brother.  So it would be no surprise that Dad would always want to explore new horizons.  One day he and Mom got all of us together and told us of we were going to emigrate to Canada. 


We went to Canada by boat across the Atlantic early in the year when it was still cold and windy.  The part of me that was afraid and lonely showed itself now.  I remember one morning early just after I got up, going out of the cabin onto the deck on my own and walking to the back of the boat, feeling the cold wind in my face.  There were large waves from the storm and the clouds were low and dark.  Except for me, the deck was deserted.  I stood at the railing looking down at the churning water kicked up by the propellers and the wake stretching into the distance.  I thought about what was to come, a new country, new people, new friends to make.  I was afraid that maybe it would be more than I could handle, that I could avoid all of it now just by jumping into the water.  But something inside me did not like that idea and so I did not.  I stood there for a while with the cold wind whipping around me, tried to relax about what was to come, and after a bit went back inside.   


I finished Grade 13 in Canada and it was not what I had feared.  It was a good time, good friends and first girlfriends.  I did my first acting, had one of the leads in the school play that we presented in a drama competition and I won an award.  It was here that I turned sixteen and learned how to drive.  I fished for trout in a local stream.  We lived on the shore of Lake Ontario and I loved seeing the ice floes that built up on the shores every winter.  As for the family, Dad worked for General Foods in Toronto about seventy miles from where we lived so we only saw him on weekends.  We still did not have a dad.    


After Canada we moved to White Plains New York.  I eventually went to Rutgers and since I was fluent in French decided to do something different.  So I took Russian, and during the second year added Spanish, these while majoring in geology and finishing two years of ROTC.         ​













It was during this time I became a private pilot and owned my first plane.  I was a songwriter and worked in the music business in management with Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Poneys who recorded my song Carnival Bear.  I also worked with Frank Zappa during the time we recorded the Lumpy Gravy album at Capitol Records.  ​I later owned a marketing business in which we remade corporate images, did websites, created marketing plans and developed the materials to fulfill them.  I wrote and produced an industrial video for one client.  We ghost wrote and published a commemorative history of medicine in the Inland Empire for the grand opening of the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center.   














The point of sharing all this is to show there was nothing linear about my life, like taking up a career, and I do have and maintain my opinions.  I had many interests in my life and I followed them.    


While all this was happening on the outside, the brain and my spirit were having their own journeys.  I had a Christian background and read the Bible. I studied spirituality, philosophies, religions, Eastern and Western, reached the superconscious from years of meditation and evolved the ability to see on other dimensions - personally to touch into a little bit of eternity outside physics.  It was a ten-year-long mystic period during which time I had countless paranormal experiences.  And just so you know, I have never had a psychdelic drug.  All was the result of deep meditation.  A physical testament of that time and what was happening inside me is my book of devotional poems called From My Soul To Yours you can learn about at   All this was only one end of the spectrum so I later earned my credentials as a hypnotherapist to study the power of the subconscious.  My search for our relationship with eternity has been a journey from one end of the human psyche to the other.  As a result of my life experiences, I have no room for beliefs, only hard evidence and the logical conclusions to which they lead.  That's the framework for everything here.  


You now have some information about my life, where it began and some things that happened along the way.  But this isn't about me, I'm just a messenger.  I climbed the mountain of my life, reached the top and I'm sharing the view.  And just so you know how I feel about this, there's nothing more important to me.  It's my heart, my soul, my life, what decades of study and practice have brought me to.  Here - it's yours.  And I do have a purpose, a mission in sharing - that all of who I have become and what I've learned will uplift you and those you love and help get rid of some of the darkness in our world.  I have made it my life’s work to find what I call our Spiritual Relativity, how the ‘we’ and our physical cosmos bound inside the laws of physics relate to the dimension of Spirit that operates on a whole other set of laws where physics is irrelevant.  Part of the process is to do some re-shaping and eliminating of long-held beliefs and ideas in our brains, open some new doorways in our brains.  Once the old stuff is out of the way, the intentions is to end up with a new and commonsense melding of logic, science and spirituality.  Einstein said what we call reality is an illusion, and we are going into what he called the ‘impenetrable’.  Let’s go and find reality.   



These thoughts from Einstein below are used later in the book, but I'm including them here now to give you the tone for these journeys, and the attitude for human life experience I totally agree with.  In this regard, as described below, I also rank myself among profoundly religious men.   











“The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion.  Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science.  Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man.  To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties – this knowledge, this feeling ... that is the core of the true religious sentiment.  In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men.”

I was born

"Reality is merely an illusion." 

"Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility."

"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.  There is no matter."  

"We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned in to the cosmos.  We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” 

"A human being is part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." 

I had been an actor in high school and after finishing my AA at Rutgers fulfilled a dream by heading out to the West Coast where I took some courses at UCLA and became a professional actor.  This is one of my portfolio photos.  While I was working to develop my acting career and had some small roles in TV and film, including as the blue knight Sir Bruce in the Warner Brothers film Camelot, a whole lot of other stuff was going on. I invented the iron-on decal process for color photo images and started a company that produced 100K for the movie JAWS.  I brought in some partners and the company eventually became a major producer of silk-screened t-shirts for Knott's Berry Farm and Magic Mountain.

I bought an old lodge in the Southern California mountains and lived there for many years, continued my studies, kept up with research in quantum physics and owned a company that restored classic cars.  I later closed it and the final project was a 57 Chevy Nomad with a Corvette LS3 motor, frame and drivetrain.  I'm a trekkie, love Star Wars and often wear my favorite t-shirt from the series - as I am now while I write this.  It's my comment on a whole lot of what is happening in our society and politics today –


​“Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here.” 

When I thought about what to include for sample pages, I realized I wanted to be I like a travel agent for your mind, your heart and soul.  I want to tell you about the journey, what to enjoy along the way and when you get there.  There's no better way to do that than with the first chapter, so here it is.  

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